Roxy Resolutions for 2022!
by Jon Regen

Dear Friends,
As we say goodbye to 2021, we’re all looking forward to the promise that a new year brings.
Here are some of our favorite musical performers with their resolutions for 2022.
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and successful new year!
The Roxy Bar Team
Akiko Tsuruga: “I want to play from the heart with a big smile.”
Brian Charette: “I will stop trying to fix other people’s problems.”
Sarah King: “In 2022, I’d like to learn to accompany myself on piano, not professionally but more like a party trick so that anytime there’s a piano, I can play a little something. I’d also like to incorporate some tap dancing breaks into my live sets.”
Sean Mason: “To continue playing music that fulfills me, all while living in a spirit of gratitude.”
Bill Dobrow: “My New Year’s resolution is to spend more time with the people I love.”
Hector Martignon: “My Roxy Resolution for 2022 was to stop procrastinating, but I thought maybe leaving that for 2023…”
Helio Alves: “Drink more water, exercise more, learn a tune a day, and always practice everything in all 12 keys!”
Jon Regen: “I want to spend less time on my phone, and more time learning, listening and creating.”